I would close to to mention on a published nonfiction stance the one and the same headline as this appointment (refer to resourceful nonfictional prose for article, URL unspoken for downwards).
The study on the new MRT string is cold info. The five-station Downtown Line Phase 1, in the beginning identified as Downtown Extension, was before now proclaimed by LTA more or less two time of life ago. It has simply only undergone a nickname transmutation - a moment ago similar to the Marine Line that was renamed to Circle Line Stage 1.
The piece seems to be formed to conciliate those who could be clashing much railing lines as they do not see the condition of costly guiderail lines, peculiarly after the North-East Line submit yourself to.
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As so much as I like-minded to concur near the essayist that having much guardrail lines will develop characteristic of life, I would like to airs more than a few questions in riposte to the other oversimplified exchange put away.
Question 1:
Given that "financial achievability of the new lines may well be an issue", would the Government be able to invite operators to operate the new lines?
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Both local operators, SMRT and SBS Transit, are public-listed companies. If the gross of the new lines are unable to indemnity operational costs, it is doubtful that the operators are willing to run the new lines at a loss unless compensated rightfully. If that is the case, is the Government ready to "subsidise" their operations?
I could guess of a number of distance that the Government can swamped this. One is to win over the operators' running to accept lower profits border. This may be achieved by maddening to get them to at the general net profit side-line of all the lines that they are a bit than looking at the profitability of a unattached rank. However, this may perhaps not be doable as the public-listed operators will brainstorm it strenuous to answer to their shareholders. Another practical cut is to allow the operators to reimburse any losses by allowing them to have greater non-fare gross. Such could be in the sort of more self-assertive mercantilism initiatives in discipline stations, or more than technical spaces for charter.
Question 2:
The increasing rail system will drain the spacing travelled, specially for the forthcoming Circle Line. Since our contemporary train menu is distance-based (the longest you travel, the more you pay), having more than railing lines will best probable make smaller the agenda because of the corresponding decrease in length cosmopolitan. Is it party to the operators that piece they incur more reimbursement to run the new lines and contribute greater feature in vocabulary of shrunken voyage occurrence to the public, they are effort low-grade receipts due to distant-based docket structure?
Since the author has called for more than guiderail lines because it improves "quality of life", are passengers likewise willing to adopt a parallel argument for fares: that a allocation of the agenda can be pegged to "quality of ride" based on the amount of incident savings they endure beside the new lines? Not to bury that our public transport unbiased is one of the peak affordable in the world!
Question 3:
Are we embattled for more than bus rationalisation?
The new railing lines will not be sustainable in need indiscriminate bus defense mechanism to fish out duplicating bus routes. However, recent public sentiments have shown that location are a digit who like the comfort of having direct door-step bus employment ended the stipulation to formulate bus/MRT repositioning trips. This is mega sure for the Woodlands and North-Eastern residents who have weathered the MRT time lag to Woodlands and the new North-East Line.
However, extending the railing grating in need rationalising the bus employment will repercussion in less than ideal utilisation of the great nest egg poured into constructing the new MRT lines. I do understand that the Ministry is maddening to contribute more than choices to the people, but is it at the expense of place an high-ticket scheme that can not fully reaped its benefits? While the immersion is providing a customer-centric journey experience, let us not bury the big photo amidst the incalculable dissenting views.
Question 4:
Is MRT the lonesome odds to touch the facility inevitably of Singaporeans?
How roughly opposite modes of transport, specified as the Bus Rapid Transit convention that could congregate the transfer necessarily at more than lower cost?
As the article has needlelike out, the outlay of MRT delay comes from taxpayers' booty. As such, it would be unreliable to widen the railing meet people using the "quality of life" storm lacking having the cost-benefit investigating finished comme il faut. In any case, the exchange of "having more than guardrail lines is a necessity" seems déjà vu. Remember the very good MRT discount spinal column in 1970s, on whether at hand is a entail to built MRT smudge at all because of the large fiscal cost?
Given the gigantic magnitude of taxpayers' backing (Christopher Tan from Straits Times calculable that Downtown Line would cost $10 a billion), I would desire the germane polity to be much crystal clear in respondent this interview.
You are kindness to dispatch any clarification and proportion any views that you may have in my journal.